Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I want you all to know...

You should all be aware that tonight, for the first time in 6 months, 9 days and 3 hours, I wore long pants to the gym. Enough said. Hardee har har!!


Nicole said...

You should buy our house!

Moberg Family said...

You go girl! I am proud of you for going back to the gym and wearing clothes. It's what you do with those clothes once you are in the gym that is funny............
Hope you are doing well. I leave for Florida in 2 days for Corbin and my son, Scott to do their Iron Man and then on to Grand Cayman for some R&R and to visit Ryan and family. Should be fun. I'll talk to you when I return. Take good care of yourself you silly girl! '
Love, Leslie

P.s. I saw that you noticed I started blogging again. About time, huh!! I must do better.....