Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now THAT's a goose egg!

Trey lost this fight with the tramp. Can you believe that goose-egg? It looks like he must have hit the bar from a flying leap, but I think he was just getting ready to get off and slipped and hit the ladder as it bends to hook onto the tramp. OUCH!! This picture is after they iced it for a couple of hours. He was pretty tough about it all, at least at my house for the evening. He doesn't ever have much to say, but he just played and acted like it was no big deal. He's a tough lil rascal!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Teegun and Trey stayed overnight at Grandma's so their mom could go on a girl's outing to Park City. Boy did we have fun! Thanks to Riley for all her help!

I was trying to show them how have a dinosaur nose, but wait! Riley made me a rhinocerus. The boys wouldn't even consider it. They think Grandma is silly.

After we went to Kung Fu Panda, Grandma made rainbow sherbet frappe's for treats. We each picked ours up and marched to the front door to sit outside and eat them. As soon as we stepped outside, Teeg lost hold of his and it spilled, SPLASH!, right on the front step. So Grandma gave him hers and went and fixed her a new one. She came back out and sat down by them on the step and BAM! Trey's drink fell right to the ground. So Grandma gave him hers and went and made her a new one (again). Finally we all sat down on the steps to eat our frappe'. Just before Grandma finished hers, what do you think happened? SWOOSH! Grandma drops her frappe' and it spills all over her and the ground. Hahaha!

Breakfast on the deck. Teegun DOES like pancakes. Trey only likes sausage. Even Riley got up early to join in on the fun!~ These boys love her!

We spent most of the day at the pool in Brigham. Of course we would have no pictures of that :) They didn't want to leave, even after 4 hours. We did pretty good keeping them sunscreened except guess what - the top of Gunner's feet. Oh ouch! Sorry buddy! Trey, the funny kid - I put his muscle floaties on and turned around to get ready to take him in. But too late! He just went and jumped in. Problem being that we were down by the basketball hoops, way over his head. I don't know what he was thinking, but luckily Riley was right there. It took him about an hour to recover and quit shivering, but after that they just couldn't get enough. Tegunn is a wild man and Trey loves running and jumping. We all had tons-o-fun in the sun!


Gunner: Gramma, leave it whole. I am almost six years old and I am big enough to use a knife!

Trey: I played that at my house.

Trey (later): I ate that at my house.

Trey (next day): I watched that show at my house. (evidently, he does EVERYTHING at his house)

The boys were so good. Tegunn was a good big brother and made some 'good choices' to make his brother happy. We all survived and are looking forward to the next time we get to spend the night together!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Riley's new nickname...

Riley's friends have given her a new nickname. Its 'the nutcracker'. Riley plays sweeper in soccer, so often makes powerful kicks to get the ball to the other end of the field. At her co-ed game last week she kicked one of her famous kicks and too bad, the boy she had stole it from was about 3 feet from her and took the force of it - you guessed it - right in his 'manhood'. It was the worst I've ever seen, the poor kid. When he finally tried to get up to walk to the side, he was puking. He made it to the couch (don't ask why there was a couch at a soccer game) but did not look good one bit. He finally got up and played towards the end of the game, but he was not standing normal. He was really suffering. I shouldn't laugh at his pain, but it was dang funny. The rest of the game, the boys pretty much steered clear of her. Just before the whistle blew she stole the ball from a kid and as she went to kick it, he covered himself, turned around, and yelled 'not my nuts'! HeeHeeHee! I don't think she'll live that down for a long time.