Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Riley's new nickname...

Riley's friends have given her a new nickname. Its 'the nutcracker'. Riley plays sweeper in soccer, so often makes powerful kicks to get the ball to the other end of the field. At her co-ed game last week she kicked one of her famous kicks and too bad, the boy she had stole it from was about 3 feet from her and took the force of it - you guessed it - right in his 'manhood'. It was the worst I've ever seen, the poor kid. When he finally tried to get up to walk to the side, he was puking. He made it to the couch (don't ask why there was a couch at a soccer game) but did not look good one bit. He finally got up and played towards the end of the game, but he was not standing normal. He was really suffering. I shouldn't laugh at his pain, but it was dang funny. The rest of the game, the boys pretty much steered clear of her. Just before the whistle blew she stole the ball from a kid and as she went to kick it, he covered himself, turned around, and yelled 'not my nuts'! HeeHeeHee! I don't think she'll live that down for a long time.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! that is so funny!!!! poor kid. i can't imagine the pain if he was puking. lol

Tori said...

that is soooo funny!! nice job riley! you'll have to be sure to let all future boyfriends know: date her at your own risk :)

Emily said...

I love it! That's too funny, I'm sure the word will spread quickly who to stay away from.