Friday, January 9, 2009

This is my other story...

Do you ever have those times in your life that things just don't seem to go your way? In fact, it just seems like Murhpy has taken hold in your life and whatever can go wrong will. You know what I'm talking about. Everything you touch goes bad, you break things, you loose your pants in the treadmill... That kind of stuff...
So that seems to be the theme at Our House, lately. One day a kid visiting our house went out to get into his car and found that it had been backed into. What the..? Who does that and just leaves? Well the mystery was soon figured out and amends made and all that. So as he leaves and the door closes; crash, bang, shattering of glass. The newly framed soccer collage I had just placed on Riley's corner shelf evidently wasn't so steady and it tumbled the 6 feet to the floor, taking with it anything in its way. Just as I got the glass chips picked out of the million dollar photo and the shattered glass cleaned up, the kids come up from downstairs with the news of the great '46" LCD TV/Wii Remote incident'. That one will have to be left for your imagination because none of us have quite come to terms with it yet. We can hardly even talk about it still. Who invited this Murphy guy to our world anyway?

So, tell me this. How does your garage door open almost all the way? Like... far enough that looking in all three mirrors doesn't clue you in that there's a problem. But the bang is a pretty good clue. Shiz Louise! What the?
Thanks to a VERY nice ex-husband and Matt and Nate, the garage door has made a pretty good recovery. The Pearl, however is going to need a little extra TLC.

This is the type of things I'm talking about. I was beginning to wonder if I was stuck in this mode for the whole new year. But I resolved not to let it happen. I decided to welcome the feng shui, live positive, bring the vives, invite the good. You know, positive thinking brings positive things.
Saturday I choose to clean my oven. As I pick up the heating element to wipe underneath, the stupid element disinigrates right in two. Are you kidding me? Saturday night. The day before Sunday dinner. Sunday dinner after Fast Sunday. Just so you ever need to know, you can bake a ham in a roaster and cheesy potatoes in the crockpot. You can even bake cookies for pizzookies with the broil feature on your oven. Positive thinking... Positive thinking... Positive thinking...
Yeah right!
You know, Riley once in a while gets brave and asks if she can take my car, affectionately know to all as the Black Pearl. Very seldom do I tell her yes, but not usually if she is going to the school. But tonight her car was in the garage with another car parked behind her. So being the nice mom that I am, I offer, 'Oh, just take my car.'

Now why would anyone in their right mind say such a thing? I knew very well that she was going to the high school. I knew of the 'luck of the irish' going on at our house. I knew better.
The story goes that as soon as the game was over the announcer comes on the loudspeaker and asks the driver of the 'Black Pearl' to go to their car. ShiX! DaXn! HeXl! A kid with his learners permit made the corner a little sharp and took out the end of my car. Oh my hell!
I'm seriously considering living the rest of my life in bed. I can't afford to get out. If you care about me, just drop off some chocolate and diet DP. And I'll just lie here and THINK POSITIVE!


The Guymon Family said...

Dang! I am sorry, I feel really bad, but I laughed hysterically at your story! I think you are right, maybe you better stay in bed until the moon changes cycles, or some type of sign occurs showing your luck is changing.
But, as sympathetic as I am, I am still going to laugh!
Oh, by the way, you mentioned in one of your blogs about the sonic ice, and I am a big fan of ice, but like it small. So, I did go to sonic and buy many many bags and I love it! I actually disconnected my ice maker and put the sonic ice in! Thanks for your tip, I love it!

Nicole said...

linda! you poor dear! i think I feel infinitly better after reading your blog! I thought I had it bad. No your poor car,TV,Picture, garage etc! I did laugh, with you, not at you!

Jennie Moore said...

My word. Murphy was visiting me this last week as well, however, not as bad as yours. Seems like he is trying your patience! So sorry! Good luck and way to take the higher road with your THINKING POSITIVE. I am going to try that from now on.

kimberkidsandjared said...

That just the "s word". It's new month and March is coming soon with the luck of the Irish, to I will wish it your way. I would take you to Sonic to get a Rt. 44 if I lived in Utah, or Idaho, or Nev. anywhere withing a 12 hr. radius. (I even have a 99 cent sticker!) Have a better week!