Monday, January 31, 2011

The Curse of the Black Pearl

If you know me, you know I have a thing with my car. I don't know what it is or why. I've never been like that before and chances are pretty great that it won't happen again. But it is what it is. The Black Pearl.

"Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails; that's what a ship needs…but what a ship is…what the Black Pearl really is…is freedom." - Jack Sparrow to Elizabeth Swann

The Pearl with its chrome package is as striking as the black masts of the real Black Pearl. Well, at least it was when it was new. I can't say if there is a relationship with the speed of the two, as we know the original is known to be 'nigh uncatchable', its speed derived from the large amount of sails she carries. There may be some relationship there, I shouldn't say.

But one thing if for sure: The curse of the Black Pearl lives. My Pearl has been redeemed time and time again from it's various curses:
  • The first happened when it was still new and I got backed into leaving church one Sunday.
  • Next it got the back end wiped out when it was parked at a high school game and a kid turned his trailer too sharp.
  • Another time I left work to grab a sandwich and heard crackling as I drove. Come to find out someone was doing yard maintenance and flipped a rock and shattered the sunroof. Are you kidding me? How does that happen.
  • And now the latest damage from a girl thinking she could beat the Pearl through the intersection. Evidently she was unaware of the Pearl's great speed. She knows now.
So the Pearl is again sunk at the bottom of the ocean. Hopefully not for long. Soon it will be raised better than ever and will once again be known as the fastest, most dangerous pirate ship sailing the seven seas.
Until then- this cursed crew will survive. Until then we will settle for real life.
Haha - ok I'm a dork. But I really do miss the Pearl.

"but what a car is…what the Black Pearl really is…is freedom."

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