Sunday, January 13, 2008

Enough Already!!!

How is it that the great snow gods decided that this, the year I have to shovel my own driveway (also know as the driveway from heckenback!), is the year we should have snow nearly every day. Haha! Oh well, I take such pride in having the cleanest driveway in the neighborhood. Pfft! The truth is that Riley's car has spent the night sideways at the bottom of the driveway once and been rescued from that position another time, so really there is no choice but to keep the driveway cleared.

Oh gads - that picture is ridiculous. I look like a soggy old ornery whatever, but nevertheless it probably shouldn't be displayed in public. But would ya check out all that show! In past years I have appreciated how clear my driveway always was, I hardly ever had to worry about getting up it. But now I've decided that shoveling is a heckuva lot funner than cleaning toilets. I'm gonna think about coming as a man in my next life. Nope, thought about it. I'm happy where I am :)


Alyssa said...

you are a goof! you make me laugh. the pic is GREAT!! when i was doing mine i took Tee over to conners and looked in thier mirror in thier living room. OH bad idea!!

tOyn fAmiLy said...

Sorry Mom. Your back must hurt!