Tuesday, January 1, 2008

HOPE for a GREAT 2008!!

Well, time for one last post before the nightmare we call tax season begins. Yikes! Just thinking it might do me some good to write down some thoughts, and since I'm not much of a journal writer, here goes.
Not only am I hoping for a great 2008, but I'm expecting even better than great. I've had a dark couple of years and honestly am pretty dang sick of it. So here's to a new beginning for me. How bout I post some of my hopes for the year and if nothing else I can review them now and again and see if I'm heading in the right direction. Here goes...
  • I hope to restore my kids' faith in me. Hopefully I can become the strength I was to them before. I'll need to find it for myself first, and that's my main goal for the new year. I know my faith is where I'll find the peace I need, but honestly for right now it feels good just to slide along and not have to be super woman for once. That's what the new year is for, right? A new start...
  • I hope to do a respectable job managing my time between work and being a mom. I so desperately need the money right now I am pulled to work every second I can. But I have the most beautiful family, I don't want to miss out on one minute with them. Especially my sweet baby Riley. It breaks my heart to think how short my time is with her before she graduates, and poof, is gone. I want her to be busy with high school and friends, and want to be with her in what time she has left for mom. Priorities, priorities, Linda! Priorities!
  • I hope for blessings and happiness for my family. I love you all and want this year to be full of greatness. I'm proud of you and your decisions. Every one of you are on good paths. I would hope that you wouldn't have obstacles in your paths, but know better than that. How bout if I hope you run right over the top of any obstacles that might come your way and continue on in goodness. Love you all!
  • I hope for everything good for this new baby coming to Matt and Caramie. My heart is so full of joy for another grandchild. True joy - that's what I call it. My greatest hope for the new year is for that baby and hopefully one for Brandon and Bridge and Greg and Lyss too. Wow, that alone would make this the best year ever!
  • I hope to succeed at a faithful exercise routine. Why is that such a hard thing to do - find an hour or two a day to take care of yourself? Hopefully this year I can pull it off and next year at this time I'll be just a shadow of my former self. Haha!
  • I hope to find a great home for Riley and me. Its really hard to look forward to that, but certainly it's the next step.
  • I hope to continue to appreciate the good people in my life. I have such great friends and their families. I hope for happiness for you! I hope to meet more great people and to learn from them and to share my heart with them.
  • I hope I'm done now. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all. Will you help me make this the best year ever? Remind me what I should be doing. Pull me along with you. Together it really will be a great 2008!

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