Friday, January 1, 2010

It's obvious...

I suck at this blogging thing. Honestly - 5 months since the last post? But hear me out... I hate pictures. I couldn't even find one of myself to include in my header. Nope, not one. Not on my camera and not on my computer. That's how it is when you're like me. That is what keeps me from blogging. You all have cute little families to blog about and such cute cute pictures I love to see. But I just have me. Me, who hates pictures. Well, not really. I have a cute family too, but they are all big enough to blog about themselves. I don't have pictures. Therefore I don't have new posts.

I have an idea to help me meet my new years' goal of journaling this life. Surprising as it may seem, I do have a few things that run through this head of mine. Most of you have a significant other to share those thoughts with. I just find that mine bounce around and around in there, with no hope of escape. So I'm just planning on sharing some of those ramblings with you. Not that I have anything mind boggling to say, but the way I look at it if I write them down, they are finished and I can move on to the next random thought. I don't expect any of you to care a bit about what I might say. But it's easy enough for you to push the big red X in the upper corner if you don't want to read. So that is it. Here's to a new year of blogging!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha! I love your blog tittle. What the giraffe?